What job/study are you doing right now and tell us a little about it?
I am currently training to become a qualified Deck Officer in the Merchant Navy. It takes 3 years to become qualified and once qualified I will have a variety of jobs onboard a vessel. Some of my jobs once qualified will include carrying out a navigational watch twice a day making sure the ship, crew and cargo are safe at all times, supervising the loading/discharge of cargo and dealing with customs and immigration officers when they come aboard the vessel on arrival in port.
Did you do any further/higher education?
When I left St. Cuthberts I went to Carmel College to study Law, Music, Sociology & Governement and Politics. However due to different reasons I decided that it wasn't for me and dropped out. I then went on to do an apprenticeship working on fishing boats (the same as the TV show Trawlermen & Deadliest Catch). Now I'm studying for my HNC in Nautical Science at Fleetwood Nautical Campus to learn the theory behind my job.
How did you decide on your career path and what is/was most interesting about your work?
I joined the Sea Cadets at the age of 12 and have always wanted to work at sea doing some sort of job but I never knew what that was. When I left school in 2009 I considered applying for the Royal Navy but decided against it. I then started my apprenticeship in 2010 and once I finished in 2011 the decline in the fishing industry was making it almost impossible to get a job as crew on fishing boats, so I tried a few different jobs and one day saw an advert for the Merchant Navy cadetships and thought why not what have I got to lose so I applied! There are many things that are interesting about my job, it ranges from very rough seas to different types of cargo to finding out where you are by using the stars and sun. Most of all I get to see the world and meet new people in an environment where no two days are the same!
Can you share a couple of fond memories of your time at St Cuthbert's?
There are so many for me to choose from!. The ones that will always be with me though are the productions that we did every year and the best one for me would have to be High School Musical as it was my last one before I left in 2009 and the Y11 leavers mass/assembley and finally being allowed to walk through the main college doors without being shouted at!
Did you have a favourite/influential teacher? What made them so important to you?
I had two, Mrs Gifford & Ms Walker. Mrs Gifford because she was the one who gave me the passion for music and taught me that there are no limits to music if you want to do it and you put the work in it is possible! Ms Walker because from Y8 to Y11 she was my form tutor and also my business studies teacher in Y10 & 11, she taught me that nothing is ever out of reach of you really want it. She always had time to talk if you ever needed it and was always supportive to help us achieve the best that we could in everything that we did
What advice would you give our current students?
Make the most of it! 5 years seems like a long time, but before you know it you will be leaving!. Try your best to achieve the best you can and most of all enjoy it!
Name: Daniel Tench